
Worried About Your Business's Ability To Bounce Back From A Data Breach? What Are Your Options?

Large-scale breaches of private consumer data (from credit card numbers to email passwords to confidential health information) are becoming more and more commonplace, with more than 1,000 retailers and government agencies reporting breaches during 2016. While large national retailers can usually bounce back from these types of breaches without much delay, smaller local or regional businesses can have a much tougher time adapting to a post-breach climate, and preventing a breach (or taking immediate corrective action upon learning of one) can be crucial to your future.

Why Your Restaurant Needs Cyber Protection -- It's Not Just For Big Businesses Anymore

In the not-too-distant past, a restaurant's main security concerns were guarding itself from robbers and burglars and protecting its cash registers and inventory from the sticky fingers of employees. But, today, restaurants have another concern -- cyber hacking, which can cause a business as much, if not more, damage monetarily as a flesh-and-blood thief. Even worse, these types of criminals could cause irreparable damage to your restaurant's reputation if they should manage to get a hold of your customer's credit card information.

Two Easy Hard Drive Maintenance Tasks For Windows-Based Users

If you're like many other Americans, you probably spend a significant amount of time at your computer each day. Much like a reliable car, your system does require regular maintenance and repair tasks to keep it in good working condition. This is especially true of your hard drive--the precious device that holds all of your most important data. Without a hard drive, your computer won't function at all. Keep it in good working condition with these two important, yet easy hard drive maintenance tasks for Windows-based users.

What You Need To Know About Recovering Data From Your Computer Hard Drive

If you are a heavy-duty computer user and run a business from home, your desktop or laptop may seem like a lifeline to you. While computers are durable machines that can last for years, they can also fail at unexpected times, leaving you at a loss for how to access crucial files that you need to perform essential tasks. Instead of waiting for a disaster to happen, be proactive and educate yourself on the main reasons why data corruption occurs and what steps you can take to recover essential files when your computer malfunctions.

Business Computer Theft Prevention - How To Paint Your Computer A Unique Color

If you own a business and travel often to meet with clients, customers, and suppliers, then you probably bring your laptop with you. Your laptop is likely one of the most important business items that you own. Protection against thefts and information loss are vital, and this is why you probably have encryption programs, asset tags, and laptop locks. You should know that about one in every ten laptops are stolen though, and this means that you need to deter thieves from picking up your computer and walking away with it.